Dental implants can be considered as one of the most advanced and modern process utilized by prosthetic dentistry to provide missing teeth, using modern devices and procedure. No other method is so impact, long lasting and natural, not even dentures or bridges, in terms of feel and appearance than dental implant.
This procedure generally encompasses the stationing of engraft in the jawbone and the fixing of the tooth restoration on it. In simple terms placement of permanent root into the jaw; in case the natural tooth is broken or lost due to any reason.
The actual dental implant process in every case is somewhat different from individual characteristics of the separate patient’s case.
To start with, it is tiny dental tools that act as artificial tooth roots, which are replaced with the missing natural teeth. These artificial teeth are surgically fixed in the jawbone to work as root part of the lost tooth and offer a rock solid support to get a dental restoration wherein the crown is placed to look like a real tooth.
There are three major aspects that a tooth restoration constitutes of as a result of a dental implant:
Implant Fixture: This consists of titanium, screw looking, and cylindrical substance of the implant, which is surgically fixed and embedded within the jaw bone of the upper or lower jaw. This planted fixture is none visible portion of it, holding the implanted tooth in place and is similar to the root section of the natural tooth. The outer part of implant is generally threaded and often coated with material that is packed with biocompatible bone-regeneration to offer mechanical strength along with osseointegration.
Abutment: This is that part of the process that integrates the implant post with the restoration (filling) which is implanted on the top of the fixture, facilitating the screw projecting out of the gum line. In this process the central area of the post is generally hollow and threaded internally, which is used to fix the abutment. There are several types of abutments that are widely used, in terms of components and shape, and can be used synchronizing with the type of restoration required to be supported. In certain implants like mini dental implants, the abutment is a part of implant post and is not incorporated separately.
Restoration: This part is visible and is replaced by the natural device. The restoration is also called crown, generally constitute of porcelain combined with a metal alloy. It can also be made of all-porcelain or all-metal crown. This restoration is fixed – consolidated or screwed – to the abutment and often directly to the implant fixture. In case the crown is screwed the screw hole, after this procedure, is packed with restorative components like tooth-colored filling substance.
So, now it is probably quite clear what dental implant is all about and what it encompasses of. This is the structural aspects of the dental implant. We will come up with several other aspects of dental implant in our next capsule of the blog! Keep reading!
This treatment can be performed by general dentists, but, as the main intention of such kind of surgery is to enhance the facial appearance with a perfect smile, it is always recommended to consult with certified cosmetic dentist Melbourne.